What is ProDrops

What is ProDrops

Omer Sahar
Head of Marketing

The professional scene Digital Card Collection game, where you earn cards for playing your favourite games and watching livestreams.

ProDrops is a Free to Play Digital Collectible Card Game

In which you win collectable cards of Pro Players, Content creators and Streamers, for playing your favourite PC games, whilst completing missions that ProDrops sends your way. 

The cards that you end up winning, would populate Card collection booklets. Each season has a different amount of booklets and each booklet has a different theme. Some of them are focused on a specific Pro player, Influencer, Tournaments, Organisation and more. You have complete freedom to choose what type of Card Collections you're interested in completing, and to do so, you can either win them, trade, fuse, open packs and compete against your friends for the collectables cards you're interested in.

Not only Collectible Card Game

It is first and foremost a product that is designed to increase the connection between us, the fans and the pro players and content creators of our favourite game. By winning their cards, fusing them, trading them and such, you are directly contributing to your beloved influencer. 

Not only that but you would also get to know influencers that you haven't heard of yet. You'd be able to see their achievements in the games card spotlight page and decide if you want to go ahead and follow them on their social and gaming channels. This is another method that enables ProDrops to use the mechanics of a digital card collecting game, to increase the exposure of influencers who want to stand out from the crowd and boost their engagement with the fans. 

Our Approach

There are many digital card collecting games out there, each with their different approach. We try to stand out by providing a product that was built by avid gamers and built for gamers enjoyment, in a way that it adds another layer of gameplay on top of every game's existing one, and can enrich the gameplay experience. We aim to do so by building a product that would take into consideration the wants and needs of gamers that are also  interested in collecting digital cards, of their favourite players, content creators and influencers.

Since the inception of ProDrops, we have been attuned to the feelings of our community. We genuinely hope that by doing so continuously and with their help, we could become one of the best digital collectable card games.

A good example of this is the fact that we are not offering any NFTs in our game, as opposed to other digital card collecting games. 

Although the technology is widely spread among digital card collecting games, we have decided as part of the building block of the company, to listen to our community and our community, yourself included, are not interested in NFTs and that's why you wouldn't find it within ProDrops. 

If our community decides that they want NFTs, we will readdress this issue once more with the community to be sure that this is really what they want, and see how we can still be a service for our community.

We encourage you to join our social channels and share your feedback with us, so that you too could influence the game development of ProDrops. 

Much Love :)

The ProDrops Team